hello silly creatures of the interwebs: welcome 2 my websight! this place is a menagarie of my interests and creations. navigation is on the left, feel free to peruse.
this website, much like a system of tree roots, is always expanding, seeking nutrient-dense dirt. it's been in the making for over a year and will continue to grow as i do. as such, it's perpetually under construction and may feature unfinished pages or inconsistent themes.
a little-known fact about me is that i am the soul of a stuffed dog in the body of a teenage girl. i was cursed by a witch to live as a human and now i spend my days between various hobbies, being weird and acting in offputting ways.
this website is optimized for desktop. general content warnings include: moderate gore/blood, violence, sexual themes, and drug use. this website is image-heavy and may take longer to load, and features flashing lights/bright colors. While I am a silly sweetheart, don't take my web title lightly. I am equal parts girl and freak.
update log:
2/19/2025 published my
girlfriend shrine
2/12/2025 started my
webkinz shrine
2/10/2025 changed the theme for the umpteenth time. revived my diary.