Ellie Marten
14 y/o, she/her, it/its
(Pronouns are complicated when ur nonhuman... ellie is ok with any pronouns except masculine but prefers 'she,' in line with her gender presentation, as well as 'it' in acknowledgement of her nonhumanity. She doesn't concern herself with things like microlabels but if she had to label herself, it would be as a demigirl/catgender lesbian. Being a demon, something like 'sex' is hard to define as well, since most demons consider it entirely obsolete- but tend to lean feminine when presented with earthly influence. Ellie doesn't tend to think about it unless prompted. On the topic of age: Ellie is fourteen in human years, although that's a rough estimate considering she spent the first 'chunk' of her life in another realm.) Ellie's character is based off of my younger self, which is why she has my deadname- with an extra 'L.' The last name 'Marten' was inspired by the 'Mabel' podcast... also just, spelled differently. I'm very original, as you can tell. Her character is a combination of childhood whimsy, autism, and uncumbered rage. Her traits are much like that of a cat: independant, tempermental, and stubborn. She has poor eyesight but acute hearing, 'good luck,' and nine lives. She is prone to physical violence and very impulsive, but hardly regretful. Her closest friend is her older sister Maggie. She knows that Maggie doesn't love her, and yet she finds herself leaning on Maggie for support and comfort, hinging a great amount of her self-image and sense of worth on how Mag treats her.
Likes: Arts and crafts, long naps, stick-like weapons, bright colors, fun socks, sweets, stickers, journaling
Dislikes: The cold, shy people, focusing, water, excercise
School AU:
In this AU, Ellie is a 9th grader/freshman at Saint Augustine's School for Young Women and Girls. She has been recruited by the headmaster, Adelaide, because her presence itself is helpful for warding off angels. She beats them up sometimes too, mostly unsuccesfully. In return she gets free room and board, which is enough for her (and Maggie) to settle in. She doesn't wear the uniform and hardly ever goes to class, preferring to hang around the older kids, pick fights, graffiti the bathrooms, and steal stuff. She isn't fond of Maggie's involvement with the Elkyam family, but gets a kick out of the chaos, so usually prefers to sit back and watch things play out. She struggles a lot with empathy and morality. She finds herself longing to be 'useful,' regardless of the ultimate goal. She doesn't identify as human, rather as a cat, and so doesn't conform to most social rules/norms. She's known to be rude and rebellious.
After meeting Finch, the two bicker but ultimately grow closer as everybody else sucks even more than each other. Ellie doesn't understand Finch's anxiety and hesitance, especially after her experiences in The Church. She makes Ellie feel like a massive jerk, and while she usually doesn't care what others think, some of her wants Finch to approve of and condone her violence as Maggie has. As Finch is forced to make more morally complex decisions, becoming a 'worse' person, Ellie can't help but feel justified to be her friend. After Finch seeks to 'redeem' herself, Ellie decides to go into The Church after her.